====== Molecular mechanics - it is simple ====== * **[[Molecules are the balls on the springs|The molecules consist of balls on springs]]** * **[[Soft balls|Atoms are soft balls]]** * **[[Partial charges|Atoms carry the electric charge]]** \\ \\ ===== What can we simulate in this way? ===== * Liquids * [[Water properties]] * Hydrocarbons * [[Solvents|Polar solvents]] * [[Mixtures]] * Biomolecules * [[DNA]] * Proteins * [[Problem of protein folding]] * [[Lipids]] * Ligands * [[DNA interaction with a benzimidazole-containing ligands]] * [[Ligands|Selection of linkers for the DNA-bindig ligand]] * All together * Protein in the lipid bilayer * **[[Tips and tricks]]** ===== Technology ===== * Soft * [[Abalone]] * [[MDynaMix]] * Hard * [[Processors]] * [[Clusters]] * [[GPU]] ===== This can be interestingly ===== * [[This can be interestingly|Articles]] * [[This can be interestingly|Sites]]